Round table 73 Bornem

Adopt Adapt Improve

Let's Get Together

We believe in bringing about change and excellence in ourselves and our community.

Our motto is Adopt, Adapt, Improve and we bring young men between 18-40 years of age together, to challenge, inspire and learn from each other. We share ideas openly with trust, and empower each individual to make a positive impact at home, work and in his community.

We call it Tabling and we do this locally where we meet regularly. We plan and organise meetings and events for ourselves and others that focus on personal development, fun & fellowship and community service. Together we form an international network of bright young men.


Round Table motto or a maxim comes from a speech made to the British Industries Fair in 1927 by the then HRH Prince Edward, Prince of Wales ‘The young business and professional men of this country must get together round the table , adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, adapt them to the changing needs of the time, and wherever possible, improve them’.



4 clubs one vision

Round table is een onderdeel van "4 clubs one vision" samen met

Ladies Circle, Agora en 41 Clubs. Al doen we vaak activiteiten in familieverband is round table een mannenclub. Dames die geinteresseerd zijn verwijzen wij graag door naar onze zusterclub "Ladies Circle".